

What is up, everybody? Fred Lam here and welcome to our daily huddle episode number 65.

Obviously I am very, very late coming on for a daily huddle only for various reasons, I have been having meetings for morning ‘til night and in between, I was setting up my new studio. For those of you that follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a sneak peek behind what I’m actually building and listen, I have to tell you starting next week there is going to be an overflow and I mean like I’m going to blow your guy’s mind on how much content I’m actually going to release starting next week.

You guys will be totally blown away and we are not only giving you guys a lot of free video training, we’re also going to be releasing a brand new boot camp where you can start building a business without dropshipping. Some of you guys are actually dabbling in the AliExpress  table to dropshipping but guess what, starting next week we are going to give you some amazing brand new content that will absolutely blow you away. I am honest about this. I am NOT hyping this up, you guys will be absolutely blown away on what we have actually to share with you next week so make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel because that is going to be the area where you’re going to get our video training around the gate more specifically my video training. But if you want behind-the-scenes, make sure you follow me on Instagram, you’re going to actually see a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff starting tomorrow on what we are actually creating.

Again, for me my goal is to keep inspiring you guys, keep sharing knowledge with you guys and to basically give you everything that I’ve known or I’ve gone through or give you my resources so that you guys can be just as successful or basically escape the rat race and that’s my whole intention. So, if you guys are absolutely excited about this, let me know in the comment box right below. Starting next week there’s going to be some crazy content that will again blow you guys away.  Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. That is where you get the first notification when I release the new content in my channel and also the brand new boot camp that we are releasing.

With that being said I know, my sincere apology that I am on pretty late and I know that some of you guys watching the replay are basically kicking yourself or wanted to kick me obviously because I was supposed to be on at 6 but now I’m actually on at 9PM Pacific. I actually just finished dinner, ran back to the office just they actually be here with you guys. I was so tired and I was think debating you know what should I have a day off and not doing my daily huddle, but obviously when I went on Facebook looking at everybody’s messages, looking at everybody’s reply you guys are all anticipating for my daily huddle. So, I was like alright I got to show you guys dedication because if I don’t set the standards, then that means that you guys are not going to follow the real path of being an entrepreneur.

I don’t want to basically be an icon where I say all right I’m just going to be lazy and not do squat, that’s not my intention. That’s why I’m doing my best to be here to show you my dedication, my hustle so that you can apply that towards your business. Put in the word ‘deal’ into the comment box if you guys sounds this is a great deal. Fred, continue to be dedicated, continue to do everything that you can to be on live to give you guys training, give you guys content and you guys grab that energy towards yourself where you apply the same hustle towards your business.

Scratch your Netflix, scratch off playing videogames, scratch-off going through a bar or having a beer of a friend. You guys got to focus on your business because when you start hustling now and a couple years from now, you can be the person that be on the beach doing whatever you like because you basically built a business that allows you to be financially free and also have the freedom of time. Now enough me BS-ing, let’s dive right in into our daily huddle for today.

[0:05:13] Question 1:From your experience what kind of ad do you recommend on Facebook between page posts ads and link click ads? Can you speak a bit more on these type of these ad types? Correct me if I am wrong but I think PP ads which is page post ads have lower CPM and lower quick rate than Link Click Ad. What I love most about PP ads is that there is no image size restriction.

First thing first obviously you guys see the title “Page Post Ads versus Link Click”. This question actually got arise thanks to Abhishek Nelli. I hope I pronounced your name right. Abhishek said,

Hi, Fred. From your experience what kind of ad do you recommend on Facebook between page posts ads and link click ads? Can you speak a bit more on these type of these ad types?  Correct me if I am wrong but I think PP ads which is page post ads have lower CPM and lower quick rate than Link Click Ad. What I love most about PP ads is that there is no image size restriction.

I absolutely love your content. I got my first sale in 3 days of applying what you said.

Cheer! Congratulations buddy on getting your first sale by simply just being here with our daily huddle, getting my free course and now I am proud to say that you are now starting your path of being an entrepreneur. Congratulations for that! Now, to answer your question so when you ask me what do I recommend – well, I actually have a curveball question going back at you and I’ll explain this in just a minute. What is your objective? Is your objective trying to actually get more engagement towards your posts or is your objective wanting people to click on your ad and go to your website, because at the end of the day there is a reason why Facebook have these kind of marketing objectives for you to choose.

Obviously if your goal is to really want people to just to engage their posts to get the reaction, get the share and also you will get spill over clicks which is linked likes towards your website obviously you can use page posts ads and yes page pulled ads do give you a lower CPM because you are advertising the top of the funnel inside Facebook. Now, what I mean by top of the funnel is that whenever a person is on Facebook there is this a much higher chance for these people to like, comment or share rather than clicking on a link to go to your website.

So, that’s why Facebook is able to reach a wider audience because all their goal is to give you simply people engagement with your posts and that’s what it is. That’s why you always get a lower click-through rates towards her click link, I should say lower click-through rate for your link is really because Facebook all they’re doing is to get you all your basically engagement. That is what Facebook deem as your campaign being successful because that’s what you told Facebook what to do. When you say well I want a link click I want people to go to my website regardless if they’re going to buy, if they’re going to give you a lead.

My goal is to actually get people to go over my ad, to go to my site and that’s where the link click ads objective come in place. You’re a basically telling Facebook is like Facebook here’s what I want you to do, this is my post, run this inside your ads platform and all I want you to do is to optimize, to get me the most click possible at the lowest cost possible for me. That’s what you’re essentially doing. When that happens, again Facebook it’s going to go within the audience that you’re targeting and say who are more likely to clicked on your link or who are more likely to visit a third party web site and Facebook will only serve your ads towards those people.

What happens next Facebook don’t give a crap about because you told Facebook that that’s what you wanted. You just want link click. You just want people to click on your ad and from there, Facebook stops. That’s what it is. Now, if you were to ask me about recommendation again, it all drills down to the following – what is your ultimate objective and goal when you want to invest into advertising dollars towards Facebook. Are you trying to just get likes, reactions, share, comments or do you want to get stat people to go to your website using link click and you have a retargeting strategy in place to acquire the lead or acquire the sale.

That’s what you want to really look at. Now, for me it really depends on what kind of scenario I’m at. Hear me out, I would use a page post ads if I have a video, if my posts have a video, I would most likely not highly, I will most likely use a post engagement ad because I want more people to engage with my video to watch that video. There is an intention of why I wanted to do that because when I get more views towards my video, I can actually create a retargeting ad to those people that watch my video for at least 50% and from there, I can return it because I know that they are simply a warm traffic. They know who I am, they know what my offer is, they read it, they’ve watched my video I know that they engage for 15% of my videos I can go direct and create a retargeting campaign just like that.

Right, now here’s the other thing why would I use link click? Well, I would also use link click for following if I have an article or if I have a blog or if I have something on my page that I want people to read, that’s all right that’s all my goal is, my goal is to actually get people to go to my blog and read my latest blog and for my latest blog, if I were to actually create again a retargeting campaign to go after anyone that actually read my article or read my blog, then it makes sense for me to do link click.

So, again I’m just sharing different ideas on scenarios on why would you use all these. Again, here’s a myth that I want to bring up to you. I hope that now you understand but again here’s the ultimate thing, if I want to acquire a sale and my goal is to just to acquire a sale, then guess what my focus is primarily just going to be website conversion or if I want to lead, my goal is just going to be straight-up website conversion and specifically a lead. That’s what I do and all my campaigns like I would say 95% of my campaigns are all based on website conversions because that’s what I want Facebook to do, I want Facebook to optimize my ads to get me results and the results that I want is either a sale or either a lead at the same time. Again, it depends on where you’re at in your business but here’s the other thing, you said correct me if I am wrong but I think PP ads have lower CPM – that’s right we had talked about.

What I love about PP ads is that there is no image size restriction. There’s a hack around it and how you do this is as follow : this is a simple hack I love to use, you can simply create a post in your Facebook page and when you shared the link, you can actually change the image. There’s a hack to do it with the meta tags and everything, you can actually do that and from there when you change the image, you can actually have a bigger image size. There is a method to do it. It’s very hard for me to walk you through on a video like this on how to do it. Google it, you will find it there is a way around it and then what you want to do once you have to post in your Facebook page when you’re actually running your ads, all you got to do is simply use existing posts and run back the post that you’ve created inside your Facebook page.

[0:13:34] Question 2: Let's say we have two ad sets with the same audience, same age group, same interests, but the place about the ad sets are different. For example, one ad set on Facebook feeds, the other ad set on Instagram is still considering as an audience overlap (if common ad sets are running on different platforms)? if it is an overlap, should we stay away from running both access at the same time unless we’ve specified exclusions?

So, I hope that really helps you out. Moving on now, second question of the day is by Kesh Munasing. Kesh said,

Fred, thanks for all the amazing content you share. My question is regarding overlapping audience. Let’s say we have two ad sets with the same audience, same age group, same interests, but the place about the ad sets are different. For example, one ad set on Facebook feeds, the other ad set on Instagram is still considering as an audience overlap (if common ad sets are running on different platforms)? if it is an overlap, should we stay away from running both access at the same time unless we’ve specified exclusions?

If you’re running actually placements on the same targeting, you’re not going to get overlap because what overlap really happens is that you’re fighting on the same inventory, in a same platform, if you actually separate out Instagram, mobile newsfeed, desktop newsfeed, you’re not going to cause any overlap because you’re primarily and you’re specifically targeting to that platform alone; however, if you’re saying that if you actually have the same audience same generous same demographic in the same placement then you are basically screwing over yourself. So, just to let you know, that’s fine separating it absolutely fine. You’re not going to cause any problem.

[0:15:00] Question 3: Hey Fred I'm I simply want to start an e-commerce. Where should I start? So much videos out there but I want to start seriously following a professional advice as yours. Thanks!

Moving on to the third question today is by Glenn Nicolas Arlapen. Glenn said,

Hey Fred I’m I simply want to start an e-commerce. Where should I start? So much videos out there but I want to start seriously following a professional advice as yours. Thanks!

Glenn, I am NOT being favoring myself, I’m not favoring basically my students results and everything. If you want basically a step by step to actually start right away without buying into any courses or without basically putting money in to buy a course yet, I would highly suggest you to actually get Zero Up Lite. It’s a free 10-part video training series. I actually have this recorded I would say, I updated six months ago, it is still works until this day. That’s what I wanted to use. So, get that. Start it out and if you love ecommerce, and if it is your kind of business that you can eventually look into getting Zero Up which is my entire training ad software and you can actually take a look at that.

Again, there are a lot of information out there and if you can’t piece things together, you will be lost. So definitely, start with my free course and go for it. It’s absolutely free, no strings attached no credit cards just grab it.

[0:16:42] Question 4: I'm from Brazil. I like to know if your method could be used in Brazil and then I don't understand many the English language. I'm so so, but if your training has many, many practical. I can apply.

Moving on to the fourth question by Heliton Ribeiro. Heliton said,

Hi, Fred! I’m from Brazil. I like to know if your method could be used in Brazil and then I don’t understand many the English language. I’m so so, but if your training has many, many practical. I can apply.

I have to say at the end of the day, it’ll be great that you have social English is fine and here’s the interesting part, I talked a lot of people and here’s the funniest part, I know that you know what there’s no shame to be having English as your second language to basically be admitting and be vulnerable that English it’s not your best language. Listen, I suck at English. As you guys can remember, I slur on my words sometimes I used the wrong words, I used to wrong nouns, it’s absolutely fine. It’s fine! He’s the funny part, I’ve talked to top marketers, we have a mastermind we talk all the time and one thing that really struck out of the park is that when an ad actually have a typo or a grammar mistake, they convert the best. I don’t know why maybe the person on the other side of the screen think that that’s a legitimate person because people go make mistake but I have to tell you. Some of my best ads are actually having a grammar mistake or a spelling error but not just me a lot of people too.

So it’s absolutely fine. Let’s say that you’re like you know what I’m not comfortable in my language in English, that’s fine. So, there’s two part, if you’re okay or so-so I see your English writing here is actually okay. Definitely give it a shot, you could actually be in Brazil selling US, selling to Canada, sell in United States because that’s the beauty of running a digital business. Now, at the same time you realize you know what my confidence level is not as great for English well guess what Brazil right now is actually a pretty growing economy right now. What you can do is simply just create a store that is all in Spanish and selling Spanish and dropship to Brazil – simple as that.

[0:19:10] Question 5: I have a Shopify store and I am dropshipping from AliExpress. When I set up my store, I was told as part of the eCommerce course I am taking not to use PayPal because it can cause problems and they can shut down my store. I'm not sure why maybe because of returns and long delivery times. Do you use PayPal? Have you had problem with them and dropshipping? What do you suggest?

I really hope that that helped you out on that end of things. Moving on to the last question of the day is by Diane Villani. Diane said,

Hi, Fred. I love your daily huddles. I have a Shopify store and I am dropshipping from AliExpress. When I set up my store, I was told as part of the eCommerce course I am taking not to use PayPal because it can cause problems and they can shut down my store. I’m not sure why maybe because of returns and long delivery times. Do you use PayPal? Have you had problem with them and dropshipping? What do you suggest?  Thank you.

Great question! To answer your question, is that I use PayPal. I love PayPal. They are absolutely amazing and yes I know that there are horror stories out there that obviously PayPal shutdown accounts, PayPal will only shutdown accounts only for a couple reasons : (1) you are getting a lot of disputes. So your disputes ratio is actually the number of customers that are buying from you. They look at that,  that is an automatic trigger. They have a bot in place who look at the ratio. If you are getting more disputes then basically the number of orders that you’re getting hit that certain number, PayPal will flag you right away. (2) If you’re charged back is also very high. Charged back means that the person basically trying to contact you, you didn’t contact them back and they simply just call the credit card company and said I never bought this order or authorized it and the credit card company always side on the buyer and not the seller only if you have all the parameters in place, like IP address, AVS match, CBB match, etcetera then your high chance to win.

With that, at the end of the day, I recommend PayPal I tell my students to use PayPal and the thing to avoid having your account shutdown is simply making sure that you handle every single customer inquiry within 24 hours. That will be the only thing that would trigger PayPal to do a review on you and also trigger to potentially shutdown your accounts because they think that you are doing something shady and PayPal is not lenient. They don’t want to jeopardize their name for people that may potentially be running a shady business. I really respect that and at the end of the day, you got to respect that too. It really forces you to really be an entrepreneur, take care of your customer, take care of your customer inquiry, and you will not have any trouble with PayPal.



So that is really it for our daily huddle for today I’m actually getting flood of text message for my team right now. It’s actually pretty crazy right now. I actually have to jump off, but listen I hope that you guys enjoy my daily huddle today and again I will be on live tomorrow to answer 5 burning questions that you may have. If you have any questions, feel free to go to and put in your question in there and I will get it featured. Please follow me on Instagram, like this video, follow me on Facebook and also subscribe to my YouTube channel.

When you’re in YouTube, make sure you click on the notification button so you are actually getting a what we call the joining our notification squad so Facebook I’m sorry YouTube will email you telling you know when I’m actually going online and here’s the deal, again starting next week there’s going to be an overwhelming amount of content that I’m releasing. If you want to be the first to get all these, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. So that’s it for today guys I look forward on seeing you guys tomorrow. Peace out.

